Have you ever had the impression that you just NEEDED to do something? We feel like God has led us to this, and that’s why we’re here.
Back up a little though… we’ve been HUGE gardeners throughout our lives. Dave and I (Jennah) both grew up gardening within our families. We both love the process of working the land and the goodness of the fresh vegetables, so it was natural for us to continue gardening into our marriage. I remember in the year 2000, living at Hill AFB in our first “house” we had 2 little kids and no place to garden. I bought a plastic kiddie pool, filled it with potting soil, and grew the best green beans ever. My son, Jesse, and I would snack on them while we played outside. Being in the Air Force, and moving around made it hard to establish a garden anywhere, but we usually managed to either grow something, or sign up for a farm share in the area, where we could pick or purchase fresh food.
In 2014 we, and our 6 kids, moved to Salem, Utah to be closer to family. We moved in with my Mom and Dad onto their 5-acre plot to help them. Since moving here our gardens have become bigger and better. Jay, my dad, planted 200 peach trees, 60 apple trees, and 20 pear trees several years ago. His passion is caring for those trees and the watermelons! Dave has taken to perfecting the vegetable garden, and Jennah does a little bit of everything, with the kids pitching in where they can.
In the fall of 2020, as I walked to the back of our little farm with a friend, she lifted her head to the sky and said to me, “What a blessing this land is. What are you going to do with all the open space?” At first, feeling overwhelmed with the season of gardening we were just finishing, I thought, well, we do a lot already! But as I stood there, chickens quietly chattering in the background, a feeling began to fill my heart. The Lord was telling me that there was something more to do with this land. Everyone else was on board, and so here we are!
Now we're in our 4th year of running our Farm Share. "A Farm Share" falls under the umbrella of a CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture. We are looking forward to welcoming you into our community here at Nice Farm Goods.