Shop all Nice Farm Goods 4 oz Microgreens - Sunny Mix - Pre-Cut
$7.00 /piece
Availability 10 days or less. Depends on order timing

6 Nourishing Microgreen varieties!

This is our 4 oz container, but 8 oz is also available.

If a tray is too much, this is a perfect size.

Includes Sunflowers, Broccoli, Kale, Red Cabbage, Kohlrabi, and Spicy Salad mix.

These make a great addition to any salad or as a garnish for most meals. They can also be thrown into smoothies for TONS of extra nutrition.

This is a one-time order not tied to a subscription. Pick-ups are on the first and third Wednesday each month. Containers of microgreens will last well in the refrigerator for a least a week usually longer.